Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Variety of Variety Shows

  1. variety show, also known as variety arts or variety entertainment, is entertainment made up of a variety of acts (hence the name), especially musical performances and sketch comedy, and is normally introduced by a host. (Google) Personally,  love variety shows, especially South Korean ones. They provide fun situations to watch, so let's explore some!
Don't walk... Run!
Running Man is a show where contestants meet up, split into teams, and complete various events against each other. These contestants aren't just anyone, they're usually famous South Korean people, led by the host Yoo Jae-suk (a funny old man that only I seem to like). The two race to finish a set of objectives, usually in an urban environment or famous landmarks. They've got to go fast, hence the title of the show! I really recommend checking it out if you love shows with talented people and lots of funny or intense moments.

Counselor help us out!
Hello Counselor is another South Korean show where , agaian, famous people meet up. But this time, the discuss topics instead of compete against one another. Regular people send in their problems that they want the "counselors" to fix for them. They pick a problem that seems interesting, and have the person and some of their acquaintances come into the show. Problems arrange from friend problems, marriage, and comical situations. Also, they select a person who the audience agrees has a major problem, who is a sort of winner. The shows are hosted by the popular Yeong-ja Lee and Shin Dong-yup.

Gaki no Tsukai is a Japanese group of five that preforms a variety of shows, ranging from strange challenges to simple comedy acts. They are special in the fact that they have many different shows they do. 24 Hour Batsu is a game where the contestants are put into a strange situation filled with things to make them laugh. But if they do, they are whipped on the spot. It's certainly strange, but give it a try! Absolutely Tasty! is another show where they must taste a random food blindly, and then guess it from a group of similar foods. It's really cool to see them struggle and complain, so try this one out too!
Downtown Comedy!

I really love Asian variety shows, and there's really a variety (haha) of them. Search around, and find which ones you like. 

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